‘Paradoxical Intention’: A Therapeutic Technique for Fears, Phobias, Anxiety, Insomnia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 

‘Paradoxical Intention’ (PI) is a revolutionary and hugely clinically successful, evidence-based, scientific technique developed by world-renowned Viennese psychiatrist and philosopher, Holocaust survivor and author of the internationally acclaimed bestseller Man’s Search for Meaning, Prof Viktor E. Frankl (1905-1997), MD, PhD, who founded logotherapy (logos= meaning) and existential analysis.

Paradoxical Intention has an efficacy rate of 77.8% (indeed, some clinicians have reported an 88.2% success rate) in empirical studies and has proven particularly efficacious in the treatment of phobias and OCD. It is an easy-to-understand method, can be applied by anyone without necessitating a therapist or physician with practice, and consists of a few key elements.

Who is this technique for? It is intended for four specific groups of people:

  • patients with fears, phobias, anxiety, panic attacks, and OCD
  • families and friends of sufferers
  • physicians/doctors/psychiatrists
  • psychologists/psychotherapists/counsellors

You will receive a set of detailed notes in the form of a 55-page user's manual consisting of an overview of the method/ technique with a definition and description of PI, explanation as to how exactly it works so well, applications, illustration charts and diagrams, and over a dozen clinical case-history examples, as well as a step-by-step guide and easy-to-apply instructions on how to implement it yourself.

‘Anger Management: A Meaning-Centred Programme'

Do you need help with controlling your anger? Or do you work with patients, clients, teenagers, or youths in crisis who need a meaning-centred model for anger management? Chronic or uncontrolled anger can be costly physically and emotionally and cause untold harm. Destructive, toxic emotions such as anger can be dangerous in your work or home life that can have disastrous consequences. In this practical-philosophical and psycho-therapeutic programme for anger prevention and control you will learn techniques, tools and tactics, skills, stratagems and solutions from
logotherapy and Stoicism that can help you reclaim your freedom and change your behaviour and yourself. Learn how to:

  • Move from reaction to response
  • De-escalate your anger
  • Control your anger before it controls you
  • Understand what’s behind your anger (the fears, frustrations and hurts)
  • Discover the three types of anger and the four phases it can go through
  • Find out how anger can activate aggression
  • Deploy the ABC model of the emotions in your daily life
  • Apply the 37 tips for taming temper